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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Do you think You Know Me ?

Hello Groupes;Do you think you know me ?I do not think so. However, after this you will be learn more about me.You already, know I have a son, and am single.You know that my Ex took My Dog, and you do know that I still love her.

And you know that am not just looking for sex. And that I like to Rant.Can there be more, yes, ther is alot more. One of the Groups,I signed up to Join, is not in Oklahoma City. Hell it is not in Oklahoma at all.Matter a fact is not in the United States, even.It is Jolly O'll England. Why ? You might be thinking, ok , how are going to hook up. With a Chic, in England. Unless you have enough money to go to England.Now that is a good point.

Yet, like I said am looking for much more, than a Romp in bed.I joined the group yes because, of a woman. After reading her blog. She made me think, about what she was writting. She put somer thought into it. She made laugh, and great looks brought a tear to my eye.I would love to just pack up, and go Vist Jolly O'LL England, and have a few drinks with her and talk face to face.I will go there, oneday.Not to live there because I love the Good O'LL U.S.A.

Well get back what I was saying, that I did join to meet and talk to my new group of friends, about everything that is under the star lit skills.From Sex, to drinking to yes real thoughts on world issuies. I learn a diffferent oppions, from good people in a different country.Well any ways,I like that group. And this post is about our group. And for the woman, that I meet and being the reason why I joined. Am pleased to say I still read her blog,and post everyday.So now you more alittle about me.

This is your Buddy Lummpy; saying have a great day