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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Torn between Miranda and Tiffany Fallon

Today , I woke up took a shower and got dressed .
And thought about the day that is facing me .
Wondering what kind of differce I can try to make today .
So , I drove to the office , you know the local Ihop .
I ate , and I wrote about Madoff . For Lunsford Money , and now I am writting on LunsfordMD , the bio of life . And Miranda , is texting me at the same time . As I am trying to work . I love Miranda , even if she is not Tiffany Fallon .

But lets face it their is only Tiffany Fallon . However , Mirnda aint that bad to look at . Now , back to work .
This post is going to be about , Miranda and Tiffany Fallon . Now that I have been working hard on The Lunsford Post .
I want to be able to date . I am dating Miranda , however I would like to see who else is out their . Such as Miss Fallon .
I married my first wife Nicci , to soon . We should have dated for a while before we was married . And for Diana , lets not bring up that FUBAR .

So when I am with Miranda , I want to be sure it will last .
I just would like to date Fallon , too . Lol !
Miranda will understand , hey don't think bad about me . Ok go a head and think the worst . I don't know a straight man , that would not drop the one that their with to hook up with Tiffany Fallon .
But for a life long partner , only Miranda will do , for me .