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Monday, January 19, 2009

Someone different

I just now know why , I am seeing Tina .

Tina , is beauitful and Tina is very sexy . But that is not the reason . The real reason is that I can hold her and not worry about her getting mad that I am holding her hands or anything like that .

This not bashing someone else . Tina and I , can talk and laugh and have a good time without , one of us worring that we might say the wrong thing . That will or would piss each other off .

I still havn't made up my mind which one I like best .

One thing for sure I have to thing about who would be best for me and my son . I made the wrong choice , two years ago . And it has cost me dearly and I mean dearly . I don't wantto wine about the past . I just want and need to move from the past . Even if it means , stop talking to someone .

I have let go of alot of people I grew up with , Fat Ass Mike and Poor Little Willie . But , I am not even going to talk about them . It is not worth my energy .

So back to Tina .

Last night I took Tina to church and dinner . Yes , two dates with her in three days . We went too her Church , and it was good . But , shhh I like my church better . Lol !

At church we held one another , hands and I had my arm around her . I felt so at ease . I didn't want the Damn Night To End .

She is loving and caring and wonderful . Then we ate at dinner , and I took her over my friends house . And we had a good time just that we had to cut the night short cause she needed to be home by 10 .

Well her mom means well , she just don't us to get into trouble . I guess . Lol !

Hopefully , the mom will cut the aprone strings real soon . It was another great date , not as good as the first though .

Tina , wrote me a Email , asking me if we can go out on Thursday , cause I am off . And just maybe her mom will let up the on the time to rush back , to bring her home .

I like her cannot not help how I feel about Tina .

I will just have to see if it works out .

By the way , I still have a crush on Tiffany Fallon . Lol !

Here is another picture of Tiffany Fallon