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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Going to Anger Mgmnt.

I have ordered to take Anger Mgnt classes.
I really do not want to go these classes. I know I need them for I am very anger about Diana and the kids are with me at the moment.
I do need help over this. I do hurt over this there is nothing I want more than to be with my family.
Why am I being punished like this, what did I do in my life that I have to loose my family ?
Am not looking forward to this not at all.
Now , I know that I have to take these classes to get my family back but I cannot control what Diana does.
I want her back and I will do anything for this to happen.
I Love her and I do miss her and our children. I just pray too God that he will bless me that I will have the power in myself to bring back my family.
Only with God's grace that I can do this. Am no Superman, however I do have the heart as Superman. And there is nothing that I would not do for my wife and children.