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Thursday, April 23, 2009

South African Election , division

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — South African elections results released today show the African National Congress might have fallen short of winning its cherished two-thirds parliamentary majority. But the tally affirmed the ruling party’s overall victory and set the stage for the controversial Jacob Zuma rise to the presidency.

The near-complete results also showed that the ANC lost power in the country’s second richest province because of hostility from mixed-race voters and conservatives.

The party views Zuma as the first leader who can energize voters since Nelson Mandela. But others say Zuma is too beholden to unions and leftists.

The results in the Western Cape were a reminder that South Africa’s racial divides still run deep. It is the heart of the country’s wine and tourism industries, and also a region where mixed-race voters account for more than half the population while they are a minority nationwide.

by the associated press