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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easy Steps to go Green

NEW YORK — Quick: it’s EarthDay and you’ve done nothing to go green. In fact, you don’t even know where to start. Instead of spending thousands of dollars throwing solar panels on your roof or ripping out old insulation, here are a five simple, eco-friendly things you can do in one day.

Light bulbs
Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving compact fluorescents. Sure, they might cost a few extra bucks, but they’ll pay for themselves within six months and save you about $30 over their lifetime.

Water fixtures
Swap out your old water fixtures for low-flow devices. Buying faucets or shower heads made using the EPA’s WaterSense guidelines helps conserve water and cut your electric and water bills.

Window shades
Get energy-efficient insulated window shades. If you can’t afford EnergyStar windows right away, try installing insulating shades in the interim.

Programmable thermostat
Install an efficient programmable thermostat. Programming your thermostat to be a little cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer could save about $180 per year, according to EnergyStar.

Call your electric provider and buy green power. There’s no way to guarantee that renewable power makes it to your house; customers are effectively paying to have more green power added to the grid. Still, it’s a start.

by the associated press