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Friday, August 14, 2009

Vick and anyone who has done a crime

Vick and anyone who , has done a crime , including myself. Should get a second chance . I know how it feels to have people that I have known for years turn their backs , on me .

I know what it is like being judged for things I have done in the past . However , I have paid my dues. And I am still payig them now still . And I ask you , for how long , do I have to pay for my mistake ?

A year , 2 two more years ? That is Bullshit !!!!!! I am busting my ass , everyday !!!!!! To improve my life . The work is hard , but the people that keep throwing it back my face makes it even harder . Very Fucking Hard on me !!!!!

I keep paying for the past when is it going to end ? I am spent , I am tired , give me a break .

If you do not walk through my shoes , then shut your mouth !!!!!!

One without sin cast the first stone !!!!!! We all fall short !!!!! Ok !!!!!!!

So Vicks can play football again , for the Eagles .
And for myself , I can be able to work without the courts taking my money , and take a vaction to Maui , and move. And buy a new a car .

I went to the dealer ship, to trade in my 97 F150 4x4 , and they asked me for a cosigner and I had one my girlfriend that lives with me . And they still turned me down .

And my girlfriend has Moridate Credit !!!!!!

So I say what is the problem ? I am paying off my bad credit , and I make enough money , not including my girlfriend's pay from her job.

So I ask what in the hell , is the problem ? And he said you bring us another cosighner , why ?

But my bank will most likely give me the loan. So when it is all said and done , I will get the car and move and take my girlfriend to Hawaii .

And for my exfriends and some family members that keep throwing my mistake back in my face I will just smile and say don't judge me. Only God can judge me.

Thank you for your time and reading my post.

Mike D Lunsford

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